NFTA Metro Citizens Advisory Committee Application
Thank you for your interest in the CAC. Please fill out the form below. After you submit the form, a copy of your answers will be emailed to the address you provide.

Applications will be reviewed in late December. We will reach out to you if your application is selected.    

Contact if you have any questions or concerns with this application. We appreciate your interest in the CAC.
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Email *
Name *
If you are applying on behalf of an organization, what is the name of that organization?
Telephone Number *
Address (note: if applying on behalf of an organization, please provide the address for the organization) *
1. Which of the following services do you use? Please select all that apply. *
2. How frequently do you use NFTA Metro services? *
3. Please describe the NFTA bus or rail routes that you use most frequently. *
4. Statement of Interest: In 500 words or less, please describe why you or your organization would like to be a member of the CAC. Please address the following questions: What is your purpose in joining the CAC? What will you contribute to the CAC? What public transportation issues and concerns are important to you? How will you communicate the information and ideas discussed at the CAC to your organization or community? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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