Your Queer Parenting Journey Registration

Your Queer Parenting Journey: A support group for those who are pregnant, navigating fertility, parents, caregivers and adoptive parents in the queer community. 

Start Date: November 28th, 2023

When: Weekly Drop-in Tuesdays 9-10:15 am

Where: Virtually via Zoom 

Open to the queer community in Los Angeles County who are: pregnant, navigating fertility, parents (both birthing and non-gestational), caregivers, adoptive parents. This is a trans-affirming space. This group is a weekly peer-run support space hosted by SANA SANA’s peer support program. Anyone who identifies as queer and is in the process of creating or raising their families is welcome.

This is a FREE group that is exclusive to the queer community in Los Angeles county, if you would like referrals to other resources, please call us at SANA SANA (1-888- 823-7262) and we will be happy to connect with you.

After completing this form, Alex (they/them) and Durga (she/they) will contact you to schedule a 15-minute introductory call. If you have questions please contact us at

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Pronouns  *
Phone Number *
Email *
Preferred contact method for scheduling introductory call: (call/text/email/Zoom call)
Zip Code:
Where are you in your parenting journey?:

What draws you to the group?

Do you have any accessibility needs?
Anything else you would like to share?
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