Students' evaluation of the project mobility in Spain
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1. What was your Spanish brother / sister like?
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2. What was your Spanish host family like?
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3. What was accommodation at your Spanish host familiy like?
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4. What was the food you ate at your Spanish host family like?
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5. What were the activities you did with your Spanish host family like?
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6. Please choose, in your opinion, three best activities during the project mobility:
7. What was the food you ate during project activities like?
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8. What were the activities you did during the project mobility like?
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9. Taking all into consideration, the project mobility in Spain was:
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10. Would you change anything in the project mobility?
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10a. If yes, what would you change?
11. What did the project mobility lack?
12. Are you planning to continue your acquintance with your Spanish brother / sister and be in touch with him / her?
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13. Did you learn new things during the project mobility?
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13a. If yes, what were they?
14a. Did you know how to make break before?
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14b. After the mobility and molecular workshop do you know how to make bread on your own?
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15. What are your general thougths after the project mobility in Spain?
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