World Languages Survey 2024
Please complete this brief and anonymous survey to help us gather information about your interest in non-English language books. We value your input and welcome any suggestions.

It is important to note that purchasing decisions for the World Languages Collection are not based solely on survey results; other data sources are also utilized.

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Do you have a Forsyth County Public Library card?
Have you used your library card in the past six months?
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Which library location do you use most frequently?
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Which of the following non-English language materials offered by the Library have you or your family checked out in the past? (Please check all that apply.)
Which of the following non-English languages would you or your family be most interested in borrowing from the Library? (Please select up to two.)
In which format do you prefer to read materials?
Which age levels of materials would you be interested in reading? (Please check all that apply.)
What is your country of origin? (Optional)
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