CRO Mailing List Sign-Up / Questionnaire
Below is the mailing list sign-up for those interested in becoming a part of the Carolina Referee Org (ORG).
Becoming a member of this list can mean many things but it does not mean that you have to do everything.

There are no requirements other than being a dedicated referee, upholding a positive and professional standard for yourself and being interested in seeing not only yourself, but others succeed on and off the field. Signing up for this mailing list does not guarantee assignments, but it can open the door to assignments, events and educational opportunities.

If any of this even slightly interests you, sign up, see what its about and then unsubscribe if its not for you. We will not be sending a ton of emails, but we will be posting throughout Padlet, Google Calendar and our social media platforms more frequently. Information on how to link in to those things is below. It is incredibly important that you do this to maximize the flow of information you receive. Don't miss opportunities and information, this is a significant benefit to this organization, knowledge is power!

Nov. 5th Meeting Presentation  - 
- If this link does not work for any reason you can always find this information on our website and find this link on our homepage and on our events page. or

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Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
City you referee in most (Hometown) *
Secondary Cities / Distances you are willing to travel to (Put None if None - No personal details required) *
Indicate Formal Level Referee You CURRENTLY Are? Check all that apply within 3 years from today *
Indicate past formal level of refereeing (3+ years ago) *
Indicate Experience You CURRENTLY have? Check all that apply within 3 years from today *
Indicate past level of experience (3+ years ago) *
Any Additional Information You would like to share?
Personal / Organizational Survey
The following questions can be skipped and you can submit this form, but your answers to the following questions are appreciated.

You may answer some or all of the following questions.
What are your own personal ambitions and goals with refereeing / assessing / administrating? Maintaining your current status and position can be a goal. Provide as much detail as relevant.
What do you hope to see within your own referee community that you have not seen?
What positives do you take from your referee experience so far?
Who has been a positive influence to you and worked with you through your refereeing journey? You can include multiple people.
What do you hope to see in the state of NC that you have not seen within the referee community?
Why are you interested in the Carolina Referee Organization (CRO)?
Where do you see Carolina Referee Organization (CRO) fitting in within the current organizational landscape?
What do you want to see Carolina Referee Organization (CRO) become within North Carolina?
What questions do you want to see answered for yourself or for other referees through this process?
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