Live Oak Republicans - Find out more

The Live Oak is Georgia's official state tree. It grows to be hundreds of feet tall. It lives to be hundreds of years old. It is green throughout the year. It flourishes on the sandy plains of our coast, and its wood built Colonial Georgia's first homes. It is a fitting name for this organization which seeks to strengthen our Republican Party by cultivating young leadership.

Originally founded in 2004, the Live Oak Republicans is a statewide organization working to strengthen and expand Georgia’s Republican majority and its leadership role in the Post-Democratic South.

Our mission is simple: to elect Republicans at the state and local level. We seek to accomplish this mission by raising money for, and working with Republican candidates across Georgia – from Rabun Gap to Tybee Light. We also sow the seeds for future Republican success by cultivating up-and-coming leaders from fields such as law, medicine, business, finance, education and technology. Our organization provides the means to infuse the energy and enthusiasm of this next generation of Georgia Republican leaders into the political process. We are the roots from which Georgia’s Republican majority will continue to grow.

We welcome you as we re-establish  the Live Oak Republicans for this new generation of Georgia Republicans. 

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