<Relentless> Raid Trial Application Form
<Relentless> is a 3 day a week (Tues/Weds/Thurs) HORDE guild on Shattered Hand-US, with an optional 4th day for alt Heroic (Sat). We are currently recruiting for our Mythic raiding.

Who we are:

<Relentless> is a guild of adult players, many of whom have played since Vanilla or BC. We have jobs, responsibilities and obligations like anyone else; but we still try to push mythic content, do M+, and complete achievements. We are 9/9M on current content (BoD).

This guild is not a safe space, and while we all live our professional/family lives, we let loose while playing and may say some things that would otherwise get us reported to HR. If you are looking to be the PC Police, there are plenty of Alliance guilds recruiting.

About the guild:

Guild Type: Semi-Hardcore – We try to make the most of the limited time we raid, and we push to clear mythic content at a competitive pace.

Loot System: Personal Loot.
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Current Main's Name *
Character Realm
Battle.net Tag *
Desired Class for Raiding *
Desired spec for desired class
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Any additional information? (Feel free to link logs or provide any info here!)
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