Leads for TBE Executive Director Search
This is a confidential request from the Temple Beth El (TBE) Executive Director Search Committee (SC). We are asking you, as a member, friend or supporter of TBE to share any individual or organizational leads that could help us and our search firm, ZurickDavis (ZD) to solicit outstanding candidates for the Executive Director (ED) position. "Leads" might be potential candidates, organizations where postings appear, list-serve sites you know of, people who may know people, etc.

We are trying to identify "under the radar" candidates who we might not reach in postings or who may not be actively looking for new jobs, and/or to obtain help in publicizing the search to individuals and organizations that interact with potential candidates. Please help us by providing any leads you think would be worth contacting - we will reach out either by phone or email as appropriate. Unless you indicate below that we can use your name in making these contacts, we will not use it. We will not share any leads other than within the SC and with our search consultants.

You can submit as many recommendations as you would like - when you have completed this form you will be offered the opportunity to complete another if you wish. There is no substitute for recommendations and suggestions that come from "friends and family".

Thanks very much for taking the time to do this.  
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Email *
Your Name *
Your Phone  (optional - but helpful if we need additional information about the lead you suggest)
Name of Suggested Individual Lead OR Name of Organization of Interest
Organization/Role of Suggested Individual Lead (or indicate if you don't know)
Email of Suggested Lead OR Contact Person if Organization (or indicate if you don't know)
Phone of Suggested Lead OR Contact Person if Organization (or indicate if you don't know)
Which of these ways would be acceptable to contact this lead/organization (check as may as applicable): *
Reason for Suggesting this Lead (check as many as apply)
Can the Search Committee or our search consultants use your name as an introduction to this lead?
Additional comments or suggestions that might help us with this search.
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