Kirkwood Programming Community Input
Our communities are more than just places where we live.  They are places where we learn, grow, work and thrive.  Kirkwood Washington County Regional Center is seeking community member input to guide our non-credit continuing education programming.  Whether exploring courses for personal interest, or industry certification, we want to provide programming to align with personal and professional goals of our community.  Help us best serve you by completing this 3-5 minute survey. We are listening!
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First Name:
Last Name:
Email *
How far do you live from Kirkwood Washington Regional Center?
Have you previously taken a Continuing Education Course through Kirkwood Washington County Regional Center?

Would you consider taking a Continuing Education Course through Kirkwood Washington County Regional Center, in the future?
How likely would you be to enroll in continuing education coursework in the below areas?
Business & Professional Development
Business & Professional Development: If interested, in which of the below categories might you consider exploring?
Computer Tech:
Computer Tech: If interested, in which of the below categories might you consider exploring?
Check all that apply.
Health: If interested, in which of the below categories might you consider exploring? 
Check all that apply.
Life & Leisure:
Life & Leisure: If interested, in which of the below categories might you consider exploring?
Check all that apply.
Youth Offerings:
Youth Offerings: If interested, in which of the below categories might you consider exploring?
Check all that apply.
Industrial Technology
Industrial Technology: If interested, in which of the below categories might you consider exploring? Check all that apply.
Which day(s) of the week would work best for adult class offerings? Check all preferences.
What time of day works best for adult class offerings? Check all preferences.
Which day(s) of the week works best for youth class offerings? Check all preferences.
What time of day works best for youth class offerings? Check all preferences.
What ideas do you have for new course offerings at Kirkwood Washington County Regional Center?
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