Volunteer Interest and Intake Form
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Fire Safe Sonoma! We greatly appreciate your time and are looking forward to getting to know you better and to your additional help in making our County more fire safe. Please fill in the form below so that we can better understand your interest and availability. 
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Email *
Volunteer Name *
Volunteer Address *
Volunteer Contact Number *
Name of person to call in case of emergency *
Emergency contacts number *
Hospital and Doctors name
Hospital/Doctors Number
In the section below, please let us know what you are most interested in helping out with at Fire Safe Sonoma. 
I am willing to assist with the following tasks (*Requires specific training)
Please list 2-3 positions you have held at previous jobs and/or work you are currently involved with.  *
I have the following skills to contribute:
I am available to help on these days:
I am available to help at these times:
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or any specific hours?
Would you prefer to help occasionally?
Please tell us a few of your hobbies *
Describe what you would like to get from your volunteer experience with Fire Safe Sonoma? *
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