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Academy Registration
Code for Africa's (CfA) Academy helps journalists prepare for a digital future by offering free newsroom-based training and online webinars.
The workshops are underwritten by the Google News Initiative and the World Bank, and are presented by industry experts from CfA's StoryLab.
Do you want your newsroom to partner with the Academy? Register here!
* Indicates required question
Full Name
Give us your first name, and surname.
Your answer
What city are you in?
StoryLab Academy currently only hosts face-to-face training events in the following 12 cities. We'll add additional cities in future, as we grow the initiative. If we're not yet in your city, click OTHER.
Abuja (Nigeria)
Cape Town (South Africa)
Casablanca (Morocco)
Dakar (Senegal)
Dar es Salaam (Tanzania)
Durban (South Africa)
Freetown (Sierra Leone)
Johannesburg (South Africa)
Kampala (Uganda)
Lagos (Nigeria)
Nairobi (Kenya)
Yaounde (Cameroon)
Tell us how to reach you, so we can keep you informed about the next workshop or webinar.
Your answer
Are you on Twitter? If so, give us your profile so we can follow you.
Your answer
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