17-18/09/2024 - Cooked Food Stall 熟食檔 HK$1,200 (including fehd food license/已包括申請臨食牌)
[1.General information]
[1. 一般須知]
1.1 Due to the limited quantity of booth, the type, style, originality of biz would be consider as the booth selection elements.
1.1 由於攤檔的數量有限,本公司將會參考申請者的產品類型、風格等範疇,作為甄選的要素。
1.2 SlainteHK has the final right in selecting the vender's application for the fair.
1.2 SlainteHK 擁有選擇入選申請者的最終決定權,不需作任何解釋。
1.3 SlainteHK would consider selecting seller's product picture for the market fair's advertisement purposes.
1.3 SlainteHK 將會從成功申請者在網上發佈的品牌圖示或照片,作為市集宣傳的用途。
1.4 All of the information collected by SlainteHK would only be use as advertisement purposes, and SlainteHK would not be giving out applicant's information, unless agreed by the applicant.
1.4 SlainteHK 所收集關於成功申請人的資料,只用作於籌備及宣傳市集之用,並不會在未經申請者同意下轉交第三者。
1.5 If the successful applicant cannot show up to the market fair due to uncontrollable, personal reason. SlainteHK would not refund the application fee. The available booth would be replaced by applicant on the waiting list.
1.5 若成功申請者因個人或其他不在本組織控制範圍之內的任何原因,而決定退出該次市集,SlainteHK 將不會退還已繳交之費用,而空置攤位亦會由後補申請者替上。
1.6.1 If the market fair is cancelled by special reason, such as weather/venue damage, SlainteHK would not refund the related fee to the successful applicant.
1.6.1 若市集因任何特殊情況,如天氣或場地問題等因素而取消,SlainteHK 將不會賠償成功申請者任何費用。
1.6.2 The market fair will be postponed one week when Typhoon Signal No.8 or above or Red or Black Rain Storm Warning Signal is issued on/before the market fair begins.
1.6.2 於市集開始前或即將開始前懸掛八號或以上颱風訊號,或紅色或黑色暴雨警告信號本市集將會順延推遲一星期再舉行。
1.7 Successful applicant must pay in the fee within the application deadline, otherwise the applicant would be considered as giving up the booth spot. SlainteHK would replace the spot with another applicant.
1.7 成功申請者必須在指定的日期及時間前繳交全部費用,否則將被視為放棄該次市集的參加資格,SlainteHK 將會安排後補申請者替上。
1.8 Successful applicant would be contacted by SlainteHK via email/whatsapp.
1.8 成功入選的申請者將會收到SlainteHK 的電郵或手機 whatsapp 通知。
[2. About the venue]
[2. 關於場地]
2.1 Table Booth will be fitted with a 1.5m x 0.75m table with one chair, available space are 150cm x 150cm.
2.1 單枱攤位的攤檔桌子尺寸為 1.5m x 0.75m,可用範圍約 150cm x 150cm,另外亦會提供1張椅子。
2.2 Successful applicant would need to prepare their own display cabinet/hanger stand for clothes. All items must remain within the booth area, and should info the organizer before the event. Venue owner & SlainteHK have the right to request applicant to put away any undeclared items.
2.2 成功申請者請自行準備陳列架 / 衣物掛通,而所有物品則只可在指定攤位範圍內使用,並需要提前問準。場地方,SlainteHK 將有權要求申請者收起任何未經申報之物品。
2.3 SlainteHK have the final right and decision to change all the venue's setting, successful applicant cannot disagree on the changes or setting.
2.3 SlainteHK 將保留改動所有攤位位置之最終決定權,成功申請者不得異議。
2.4 After the market's opening hour, the venue will be closed off from visitors by barrier stands. Securities would be patrolling around the venue at night time.
2.4 於本市集的開放時間完結後,場地均會關閉作封鎖以防止遊人進入。晚上亦會有看更於場地範圍巡邏。
2.5 All goods/valuable items are in the responsibilities of applicants, SlainteHK will not be responsible for any lost or damage goods/valuable items.
2.5 所有貨物或貴重物品均屬於參加者本身的責任,SlainteHK 並不會對任何貨品的遺失或損壞負上任何責任。
[3. Responsibility of applicant]
[3. 申請者的責任]
3.1 Successful applicant's product should be the same as the application form. Any issue caused by deceptive sales techniques/false/misleading description of product, all responsibility would remain to the applicant side.
3.1 成功申請者在攤位售賣的產品及其種類,必須與申請表填寫的相同,如因任何欺騙成份所引起的追究均由該申請人負責。
3.2 SlainteHK would not be responsible for the seller's personal safety, if applicant are harm in any way in person, SlainteHK would not be responsible.
3.2 SlainteHK 不會負責成功申請者的自身安全,如成功申請者在市集中受到任何傷害或損傷,SlainteHK 並不負上任何責任。
3.3 Successful applicant can not cause any harm or harassment to anyone in the market fair. SlainteHK would not be responsible for any harm or harassment, responsibility are fully upon with the related applicant.
3.3 成功申請者不得對市集中任何人造成任何危險、傷害或滋擾等行為,SlainteHK 不會對任何傷亡追究負上任何責任,成功申請者需負上所有責任及賠償。
3.4 Successful applicant should make sure they have all the correct license (ie: General Restaurant License) for their goods. SlainteHK would not refund the fee if the successful applicant violated any illegal /unlicensed goods, all responsibility are fully upon with the related applicant.
3.4 成功申請者須確保已為貨品自行申領合適的牌照 (如:食物牌照)。如有任何違法的行為而遭檢控,SlainteHK不會退還申請者任何費用,而申請者亦需獨自承擔違犯牌照條例之所有責任。
3.5 Successful applicant cannot resell booth spot.
3.5 成功申請者不得私下轉讓攤位。
3.6 If the successful applicant cannot attend the market fair and notified SlainteHK before the application deadline, SlainteHK would deduct the administration fee. The remaining fee will be refunded with the next 14 working days via bank transfer.
3.6 成功申請者在交妥費用後,活動前如因任何理由不能出席是次市集,SlainteHK 將會收取手續費,餘數將在14天內以銀行轉帳方式歸還。
3.7 If the successful applicant cannot attend the market fair and notified SlainteHK within one week before the application deadline, SlainteHK would deduct 50% of the fee as administration fee. The remaining fee will be refunded with the next 3 working days via bank transfer.
3.7 成功申請者在交妥費用後,活動的一星期前,如因任何理由不能出席是次市集,SlainteHK 將會收取租金費用的50%作為行政費用,餘數將在3天內以銀行轉帳方式歸還。
3.8 If the successful applicant cannot attend the market fair and notified SlainteHK within three days before the application deadline, SlainteHK would deduct 80% of the fee as administration fee. The remaining fee will be refunded with the next 3 working days via bank transfer.
3.8 成功申請者在交妥費用後,活動的三天前,如因任何理由不能出席是次市集,SlainteHK 將會收取租金費用的80%作為行政費用,餘數將在3天內以銀行轉帳方式歸還。
Remark: Due to a high number of applicant, unsuccessful applicant will not be notified.
1. The applicant shall observe any other law, and requirements and regulations imposed from time to time by the Government and relevant authorities that are applicable to the hiring so approved hereto.
2. The applicant shall observe, and shall ensure the observance by his employees, agents, sponsors, promoters, contractors, licensees and all other persons admitted by the applicant to any facilities hired by him of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and other relevant laws of Hong Kong in relation to the safeguarding of national security (“National Security Law”), and shall ensure that no act or activity which is likely to constitute or is likely to cause the occurrence of an offence endangering national security under the National Security Law or other laws of Hong Kong.
申請者須遵守並確保其僱員、代理人、贊助商、宣傳人員、承包商、被許可人以及申請者允許進入其租用的任何設施的所有其他人員遵守《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區維護國家安全法》及其他相關香港法例 (下統稱“國家安全法”),以及確保申請者没有任何行為或活動會引致干犯國家安全法或相關香港法例下危害國家安全的罪行
3. We reserve the right to terminate the Contract immediately upon the occurrence of any of the following events:
(i) the applicant has engaged or is engaging in acts or activities that are likely to constitute or cause the occurrence of offences endangering national security or which would otherwise be contrary to the interest of national security;
(ii)the continued engagement of the applicant or the continued performance of the Contract is contrary to the interest of national security; or
(iii) reasonably believes that any of the events mentioned above is about to occur.
SlainteHK have the final decision right in all issue.
如有任何爭議,SlainteHK 擁有所有爭議的最終決定權。