MassCUE Social Media Ambassador Application -- Fall Conference 2024 #MassCUE
We are soliciting Social Media Ambassadors for the MassCUE 2024 Fall Conference, October 16-17 at Gillette Stadium. The role of the Ambassador will be primarily to post on social media throughout the conference, including the keynote and during assigned sessions. Ambassadors will also be asked to promote the conference in the weeks leading up to the event. We will be looking at posting on both Twitter and Instagram using posts and Instagram stories. 

MassCUE will work together with the chosen Social Media Ambassadors to craft a schedule.

The selection criteria will be based on experience with social media and Twitter following. Ambassadors will attend the conference at no charge. Applications are due no later than September 23, 2024.
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First Name *
Last Name *
E-mail address *
Your School District *
Your role *
What is your Twitter handle? *
How many Twitter followers do you have? *
What is your Instagram handle? *
Are you familiar with Instagram Stories? *
What other social media do you use?
If you do use other social media platforms, please share your handle below. 
Which day do you prefer to serve as Social Media Ambassador? *
Why should you be selected to be a Social Media Ambassador? *
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