Connecting Pets with People
If you are searching for an animal to rescue, please complete this form.

*NOTE* Once animals are surrendered to our sanctuary, they live out the rest of their lives with us. We do NOT adopt out these animals.
However, we have lots of animals we have to say no to, because we do not have room.
We can connect you to individuals that are looking to surrender animals that we currently do not have room for at the sanctuary. These individuals are in no way affiliated with the sanctuary. We do not screen them for you, we only connect people who want to give up animals with people who want to adopt animals.
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Animal Species *
Please describe the number of animals of which species *
Age of animals *
What kind of human interaction would you like?
*Check all that apply
Would you like the animal to be around children? *
How would you like the animal do around other animals?
*check all that apply
If you already have other animals, please describe which species.
*put N/A if you do not currently have any
Are you willing to take a sick or injured animal? *
Are you able to transport this animal? *
Your home address or where the animal will be residing
*this will not be shared and is for sanctuary use only
Phone number *
When are you looking to rescue an animal? *
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