Common Confidential Student Evaluation Form (1st - 8th Grade Applicants): Nomad Middle School
Form adapted from ISSFBA | BADA. If you've already completed this form on behalf of the student for another school, feel free to email a copy of the form instead to
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Email *
Child's Name (First, Middle, Last) *
Form Completed By *
Position of person completing this form *
Date *
Email *
Phone Number *
School Name *
I am the Child's:  *
If other, please describe: 
Child's enrollment start date *
Child's enrollment end date *
How long have you known this child?  *
What is the child's primary language? (Please list all additional languages, if applicable)
Length of school day
Number of days per week
For each item in the table below, please check the most appropriate description
Approach to Learning & Character *
No opportunity to observe
Ability to work in a group
Ability to work independently
Positive interactions with peers
Positive interactions with adults/teachers
Listens and follows directions
Ability to focus on task at hand
Appropriate use of class time
Intellectual curiosity
Ability to express ideas in writing
Ability to express ideas in orally
Seeks help when needed
Uses language to problem solve
Shows consideration for others, empathy
What words come to mind to describe this student?  *
Describe this student's approach to learning (hands on, visual, kinetic, auditory, logical):  *
What are the student's strength's *
What are this student's challenges? Describe any area most needing support or adult supervision (academic or personal), what that looks like in the classroom, and any supports that help: *
Describe the student's ability to work independently and in groups:  *
Describe the student's ability to develop friendships and resolve conflicts:  *
Describe the student's ability to incorporate criticism for growth *
Describe the student's most important accomplishment in your class:  *
Family Engagement
Family Engagement *
No opportunity to observe
Respectful of teachers' time
Communicates with the school
Follows through with the school recommendations
Follows rules and policies of the school
Family has realistic expectations of the child
Is punctual with drop-off and pick up procedures
Participates in school activities
Describe the family's partnership in the school community: 
Check here if any information pertaining to this child/family would be better communicated by phone. 
The best number and days/times to reach me are: 
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