HKIPD CPD Activity - WSD Reference: C03-007-20230825                                 
This CPD activity is approved by WSD under "Voluntary Continuing Professional Development Scheme for LP - Core Accredited Activity". CPD credits are recognised by WSD.
(此 CPD 活動為水務署認可之持牌水喉匠自願持續進修計劃 - 核心持續進修活動,學分獲水務署認可)

Title 講題:
Statutory Compliance in Water supply and environmental protection sewage treatment technology for restaurants  

Date & Time 期和時間:
25 August 2023 (Friday), 18:45 - 21:45

Programme Highlight 課題重點:

    Session 1 (1 hr): 


     Session 2 (2 hr): 

    • 環境微生物是什麼
    • 處所油污,污水理解
    • 施工方法
    • 微生態技術於ESG優勢
    • 案例,應用分享

Speaker(s) 講者:  
師 (Ir. Leo Lau)
劉先生乃本會今屆副會長師 (備)匠, 建築物水安全計劃合資格人士近20.

林倬希女士 (Ms. Elki Lam)
林女士乃本會會員,為香港品牌Royal Bio 聯合創辦人,致力推廣環保微生態技術使用於各階層

Venue 地點: 
This CPD event will be conducted online (Webinar) without recording permission. 此 CPD 講座以網上研討會授課形式進行,不容許錄影。
Please be attended punctual. Online attendance will be automatically recorded, 3 CPD hours (Tentative 3 WSD accredited credits) certificate will only be issued to whom with full webinar attendance.
請準時以電郵內的連結登入(不須重新註冊),網上參與者的出席記錄會自動被收錄,3 CPD 小時 (目標水務署編配學分為 3 學分) 持續進修証書只發給全時間出席參與者)

Participants are limited to 200 nos., first come, first served, please fill application form  and pay the registration fee to confirm your place  7 day in advance . 
參與者名額限定 200名,名額先到先得,請於講座七天前填表報名及付款留位。

A zoom link will be emailed to success applicant. Please access the webinar through the link in the confirmation email. One email address is for one zoom link and for one computer only. 

Fee 費用
Free of Charge for Valid Member of HKIPD, 
HK$100 for the valid member of co-organiser & supporting organisations, 
HK$200 for Non-Members of the said organisations.         
有效協辦或支持機構會員 每位HK$100;
非本會會員或協辦機構會員 每位HK$200 。

Please follow the instructions below for payment and fill in the web form for registration. This webinar do not accept mail registration.

The language of this webinar will be conducted in Cantonese, supplements with English terms.

For the enquiry about course details, please WhatsApp your questions to 6365 1606.
如對課程有任何查詢,請 WhatsApp 至 6365 1606 。
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Email *
報名及付款方法 ( Method of Application & Payment )
付款方式:銀行轉賬付款,請將款項於講座開始前五天存入中國銀行(香港)戶口: 012-878-2-026139-2 (The Hong Kong Institution of Plumbing and Drainage Limited) 或 轉數快 FPS:“102295607” 後,在入數紙上寫上申請人姓名,並WhatsApp 至 63651606。 請注意學會不接納逾時付款安排 。

付款參考號 Paid Reference  (如沒有, 填 n.a.) *
稱謂 ( Title): *
備註 Remark:
1. 請準確無誤及淸晰地塡寫 * 記號上的項目資料,任何不準確不淸晰塡寫引致持續進修證書上或呈報水務署的資料有錯,恕不負責。
2. 記名持續進修證書只會發放給有出席記錄而且符合上述出席條件的參與者。
3. 記名持續進修證書只會以電郵或郵寄形式發放。
4. 請注意水務署對認可學分有最終決定權。
英文姓名  English Name   (e.g. CHAN Tai Man David, 如沒有, 填 n.a.) *
中文姓名  Chinese Name (e.g. 陳大文 or 如沒有, 填 n.a.) *
水喉匠編號  License Plumber No. (eg. 01234 or 如沒有, 填 n.a.) - 必須水準確無錯 *
公司名稱   Company Name  *
職銜 Position : *
手提電話 Mobile  *
主 /支持 /協辦機構  HKIPD / Supporting Organisation / Co-organiser *
非上述的支持學會或機構名稱 (如沒有, 填 n.a. ) *
會員編號  Membership No.   (e.g 1234 or 如沒有, 填 n.a.) *
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Personal Information Collection Statement
The information provided will only be used for the purpose of communication on matters related to the activity and the institution information sharing. You have rights of access and correction with respect to your personal data held by us. If you wish to exercise these rights, please contact HKIPD via email:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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