NATI 2024 Conference Scholarship Application

NATI is pleased to once again be offering a limited number of partial scholarships to help students, volunteer interpreters & translators, staff of small non-profit organizations, and others who might not otherwise be able to attend our Annual Regional Conference.  Preference will be given to those who have not previously received a scholarship; however, if funding allows, others will be eligible. Our goal is to be as inclusive as possible so that we can build a strong and diverse pool of language access specialists.

 Anyone requesting financial assistance must complete the 2024 NATI Scholarship Application process. The application and references must be received no later than Wednesday, July 31, 2024. Only complete applications received via email will be considered.

 The scholarship provides a 50% discount off the Early bird rate for NATI members.  If you are not a NATI member, the scholarship provides a 50% discount off the non-member Early bird rate. Recipients may register for all or part of the conference. 

The announcement of scholarship recipients will be made by Friday, August 9th, 2024. Scholarship recipients must confirm their attendance and pay the remaining 50% of registration costs (or provide proof of promised payment by sponsor) no later than Friday, August 16th, 2024, or their scholarship may be awarded to another applicant.

 NOTE:  All applications must be submitted via this form no later than Wednesday, July 31, 2024. If you have any questions, please email or call Karina at (402) 318-4612.

 Each scholarship recipient will be expected to participate fully in the conference for the days that he/she registers to attend. As part of the conference experience, scholars will invest “sweat equity” in the event by helping during the conference at the registration table, during set-up or clean-up, directing attendees to sessions, assisting presenters with distributing and collecting materials, and other tasks as needed.

 All scholarship recipients also commit to completing a questionnaire before leaving the conference.  This will help NATI improve the scholarship experience and justify future fundraising for our scholarship program. The questionnaire will gather information on what recipients learned, what the experience was like for them and how it will impact their professional development, improve their community service work and help them raise awareness about language access issues and solutions. NOTE: Those who do not fulfill this requirement will not be considered for future scholarships.

 We look forward to receiving your scholarship application!


Karina Ruiz-Vargas & Angela Monterroso

2024 NATI Conference Scholarship Committee

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Email *
Your first name
Your last name
Your email
Your phone number
Your mailing address (including city, state, and zip)
A name and email of someone who will serve as a recommender for you
A name and email of another person who will serve as a recommender for you
Are you a NATI member? (Membership is recommended).
Clear selection
Are you a translator or interpreter?
Clear selection
What is your dominant language?
In what languages can/do you work?
Have you previously applied for a NATI conference scholarship? If so, in what year?
Are you a(n)...? Please check one answer in each row.
Yes, full-time.
Yes, part-time.
No, I am not.
Self-employed freelance interpreter and/or translator
Government agency staff member
Non-profit staff member
Community volunteer
Other employee (i.e., business, clinic, hospital, law firm...)
Other (please specify in next answer)
Please specify the names of the place/s you study, work, and/or volunteer. In the case of multiple answers, please specify the category to which each belongs (i.e., UNK = school, Kearney Public Schools = volunteer).

In a brief essay of no more than 200 words, please answer the following questions for the Scholarship Committee:

Why do you need financial assistance? 
Please be as specific as you can and mention what other funding sources you have explored (i.e. employers, church, grants).

Why do you want to attend the conference?

What do you expect to learn at the conference that will help you to become a more qualified interpreter/translator or to otherwise serve limited English proficient (LEP) populations?

How do you plan to take this new knowledge back to your current and/or future community/place of employment and apply it to improve language access services for the LEP populations?

What else would you like NATI to know about you?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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