IAC LEAD Application
Please fill out this short questionnaire. Once completed, you will be contacted  by a representative of LEAD. For any questions, please call 818.466.6454
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Full Name:
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Date of Birth: *
Marital status:
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Mobile number:
What is your occupational field? (non-profit, real-estate, hospitality etc.)
What is your exact profession?
Why do you want to become a member of IAC LEAD?
Do you have any expertise in a certain field that you can contribute to the LEAD program?
Can you please list some of your hobbies / activities you enjoy in your leisure time?
Do you volunteer with any other organization/s?
What would LEAD gain from you joining?
How many hours per month could you dedicate to work with LEAD / attend LEAD events?
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Please attach a link to your Facebook or Linkedin profile:
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