Your Opinion Counts! Questionnaire: Electric Vehicles, Car Share, & EV Charging

Please take 5 minutes to answer questions. 

We’ll enter you in a drawing for a $100 grocery gift card from Safeway. 

350 Deschutes, a nonprofit climate organization, is working to better serve communities. Please help us! Electric vehicles are our future. They cost less to run and maintain. We want to ensure that programs for clean energy and transportation consider the needs of all people. If you have questions, visit us at  or 


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How did you learn about this EV survey?  *
What is your first and last name?  *
1a.What is your total household income? We need this question to ensure that we consider responses at all income levels. Also, with your permission we will email you about cash rebates available to you.  
1b.Do you live in a mostly rural or city area? 
2.Where do you live?  *
3.About how many miles do you usually drive per week? *
4a.Please tell us about your attitudes and behavior towards electric vehicles. Check all that apply. *
4b.Please share any other opinions about electric vehicles that we did not identify in the prior question. Answer NONE if you have nothing more to say. 
5a.What barriers might prevent you from buying or leasing an electric vehicle? Up until 2023, cash rebates were  $2,500 or $5,000, with $5,000 for low to moderate income people) These may return, in  2024 or 2025. Now there is a tax credit. Please Check all that apply. *
5b. Please share if there are any other barriers to your getting an electric vehicle beyond those already mentioned. Answer NONE if you have nothing more to say.  *
6.How much do you know about the types of electric vehicles? Check all that apply. *
7a.Please check all boxes that apply to you related to EV Charging.  *
7b. Please share any other needs or requirements you might have related to EV Charging. Answer NONE if you have nothing more to say. *
8.If there were EV Charging every 50 miles along main highways in Oregon, would you consider buying or leasing a 100% electric vehicle? 
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9.Alot of EV charging stations will be installed in Oregon in the next 2-5 years. Thinking about your own needs,  where are the BEST PLACES to put them? Mark the top THREE places please. 
Column 1
Mobile home parks
Businesses or where people work
Grocery or convenience stores
Shopping or strip malls
Hotels and/or daily lodging

10a. In most cases, home or workplace charging an electric car is the cheapest. You can plug your car right into a standard  outlet (Level 1). You receive 2 miles per 30 minutes. 

The costs of home charging vary, but on average it costs $10 for 240 miles of charge.

For faster charging, you can install a home or work charger that uses the same high-powered 240 voltage as your washer, dryer or stove (Level 2). You receive 16 miles per 30 minutes. 

(Level 3) or DC Fast Charge is the fastest,  up to 500 miles in 30 minutes.  

If you were to get an electric vehicle, what is your opinion about the following options for charging a car? 

Please check all that apply.

10b.What other suggestions would you like to share with us about EV Charging? If you have nothing more to say answer "NONE". *
11. Not all EV drivers need to use PUBLIC charging. Or they may use it infrequently when traveling or a long distance away from home. But if you do need to use PUBLIC charging, how do you feel about the following prices?  Note the differences in prices and the time required to get the range of miles. Check all boxes that are affordable for you. *
12.Car sharing is where you pay to rent and drive, either hourly or by the day. Would you consider paying for car share when you need a car? 
13a.Answer this question only if you were willing to use car or truck share. Sharing services help people who dont own a car but need to do errands needing a car or truck. Skip the next two questions if you were not willing to use a car share. 

How likely are you to use a car share costing $6 hour, $45 daily maximum,  100-300 miles daily, plus membership fee of up to $30.
Very unlikely I would use
Highly likely I would use
13b.How likely are you to use a car share costing $9 hour, 200 miles max, $66 daily max? Please enter a number between 1 and 5.
Very unlikely
Very likely to use
Clear selection
14. Please tell us your ethnicity. *
15.What county do you live in?  *
What is your zipcode? *
16.Please tell us if you want us to contact you about cash rebate programs for electric vehicles and Charging Stations you are eligible for.  *
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