Alumni Capstone Questionnaire
Anything you write may be published in a book/on the Honors Website through feel free to include as much or as little as you wish!! Your answers will help new and graduating Honors students as they take on the Capstone!
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Name: *
Year of Graduation: *
Majors, Minors, & Universities attended (after West Chester/if applicable): *
Current Employment: *
Title of your Capstone Project: *
Please describe the premise of your Capstone: (the length of a solid paragraph) *
What community were you seeking to serve with your Capstone? How? Were you successful? *
What (if anything) do you wish you could have changed about your Capstone/your process? (What would you do differently?) *
How did your Capstone impact you? Does it affect the work you do now? *
What advice would you give to students beginning the Capstone process? *
Would you like to include a picture of yourself and/or your project to put in the catalog? (If yes, send it to *
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