Tynemouth Cricket Club Bar 1847 Booking Form
The conditions and arrangements below apply to all hiring's:
1. The Hirer shall not be under the age of 21 (We are unable to cater to functions for 18th birthdays for this reason)
2. The Hirer shall be responsible for the conduct of all guests at the function.
3. The Hirer should ensure any materials linked to the function (balloons, presents) are removed at the end of the function. Any pictures, posters must use white tac to be stuck to the wall and NOT blue tac.
4. The bringing in of your own intoxicating liquor/soft drinks is prohibited. Guests infringing this condition will be asked to leave the function.
5. Wines and Sparkling wines for toasts etc. must be supplied by the Club to order.
6. We require 100% of the booking fee £80 to be paid to secure the booking.
7. The Hirer will be charged for the repair/replacement of any property situated at Tynemouth caused by malicious damage.
8. If a cricket match is on, players and officials may, at times, access the bar to buy refreshments and use the facilities.
9. If you are planning to use any private outdoor companies (like a bouncy castle) make sure they bring a generator if needed
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Name of Hirer *
Address of Hirer
Phone number *
Email *
Date of event *
Time that you would need access to the bar/facility from *
Event start time *
End time (approx) *
Specific Nature of Function
(e.g. 40th Birthday)
Number of Guests
expected to attend:
Number of guests expected to be seated at a table: *
We will be using the bar, staffed by TCC staff
Catering requirements
By indicating yes, you, as hirer, accept all of the conditions outlined at the top of this form and agree that any cancellation within 14 days of the event will result in the non-return of the booking fee.
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