YOTO Event Intake Form
Please fill out the following form (the more detail, the better!) about your upcoming event. We ask that you submit your request two (2) weeks prior to your event. Because of our small staff and busy schedules, we will do our best to accommodate as many requests as possible.

Please allow several business days for someone to get in touch with you regarding your request.

The parties interested acknowledge and agree that, except as specifically provided herein to the contrary, the third party will be solely responsible for all operational aspects of the event including, but not limited to, the safe and lawful conduct of the event and ensuring that the event is conducted in a professional manner befitting the parties’ respective public images.

We trust that the foregoing accurately reflects our mutual intent and agreement with regard to the matters discussed herein. We look forward to a successful and mutually prosperous relationship as we work together to support our area’s teens experiencing homelessness as they break the cycle of poverty through education. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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If you have read and acknowledge the information above, as to what YOTO is responsible for, in regards to all third party events please select Yes. If you have additional questions please contact Brittany Smith, Development Manager, at bsmith@yoto.org. *
Name of Group/Organization: *
Enter full name of primary event contact: *
Enter phone number of primary event contact: *
Enter email for primary event contact: *
Name of Event: *
Event Location (Include street address, building name, room number): *
Event Date (or start date if multi-day) *
Event Start Time: *
Estimated End Time: *
Tell us about your event! (ex. What is the purpose or intent? How many people are expected to attend or participate?) *
Type of Event: *
How many YOTO staff members are needed? *
What type of YOTO supplies are needed? (Check all that apply.) *
Anything else you'd like to add?
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