Potential to Perform OAR
In partnership with experts around Oregon, this survey will help shape our work in creating more equitable TAG identification pathways. The current language for Potential to Perform is, "Despite a student's failure to qualify under paragraphs (d) (A) and (B) of this subsection, districts, by local policies and procedures, shall identify students who demonstrate the potential to perform at the 97th percentile." Please share your experiences with Potential to Perform by completing this survey. - Angela Allen, TAG Education Specialist
Region *
What is your role in TAG education? *
What are some challenges in identifying students as "Potential to Perform?" Select all that apply. *
Does your district have a Potential to Perform percentile threshold? *
If yes, what is the best response to describe the threshold range?
Does your district use local norms in their Potential to Perform identification process? *
What would you like to see included (or excluded) in the Potential to Perform identification process in your district? *
If you would like to collaborate and participate (via teleconference) in the Potential to Perform rule revision meetings, please submit your name, region of Oregon (or district) and email address.
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