Initial Consultation Business Questionnaire
To help us prepare and better understand you and your Business needs please complete the questionnaire before our meeting.
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Email *
What is the name of your Business? *
What is the legal address of your Business? *
Business Entity Type *
What industry is your Business in? *
What is your mission statement? *
What is your business model? *
What are your company's critical success factors: Key Predictive Indicators? (INFO LINK) If you have not established your KPIs, we can help.  Leave this blank. *
What are the biggest opportunities in your business? *
What are the biggest challenges in your business? *
How do you see us helping you address these challenges and opportunities? *
How will the services we provide add value to your business?
What do you expect from your bookkeeping-accounting professional? *
How do you define a successful relationship with your bookkeeper-accountant? *
Have you reviewed our Website? *
Which of our firm's offerings is of the highest value to you? *
Do you have employees or 1099 Contractors? *
Do you pay sales tax, payroll taxes, income taxes or any other atypical taxes? *
Do you conduct business in more than one state? *
How many bank accounts and credit cards do you have? *
Do you have inventory? *
Do you use other connected business apps  *
Do you have a significant Liability Register *
Do you have a significant Portfolio of Assets? If so, how do you track? *
Do you have a CPA, Lawyer, Registered Agent or Financial Advisor? *
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