Waqf 'Ardhi to Colombia
Dates: January 6th - February 6th, 2024
Contact us at (647) 622-2985 - tahrikjadid@khuddam.ca
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Waqf 'Arḍi Scheme - Objectives & General Guidelines
(Adapted from Al-Fazl: Jan. 15, 2004)
The Waqf ‘Arḍi Scheme was initiated by Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih III rh in 1966. Its objective was to prepare every Ahmadi member as a Murabbi [Missionary] and to facilitate religious training of all Ahmadis. Under this scheme, groups of Waqifin are sent to outside Jama‘ats for specified periods of time at their own expenses.
The greatest purpose of this scheme is that Ahmadi members who can offer their services on a temporary basis to organize special classes in various Jama‘ats for learning and teaching of the Holy Qur’an. Another purpose of the Waqf ‘Arḍi Scheme is that the waqifin can urge Ahmadi members to settle petty differences and advance in the direction of higher goals of this great scheme.

The Waqf ‘Arḍi Scheme would not only play a great role in spiritual training of others, but it would equally benefit the waqifin themselves. Before embarking on this mission, the waqifin would be encouraged to overcome their shortcomings by focusing on prayers and gaining more religious knowledge through studies. This way, they would become excellent role models for others.
All Missionaries and Office Bearers should urge every Ahmadi (man or woman) to participate in this great scheme, which undoubtedly demands great sacrifice. However, one should never forget that without sacrifices, one cannot win the pleasure of Allah.
The following conditions apply to Waqf ‘Arḍi Scheme:
* All professionals, including professors and mature post-secondary students, are advised to participate in this scheme during their vacation time.
* A group of at least two Waqifin is sent to outside Jama‘ats at their own expense to carry out whatever is assigned to them.
* The duration of Waqf ‘Arḍi may vary from two to six weeks in a year, unless otherwise permitted.
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First and Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Region and Majlis *
Age *
Are you Ahmadi by birth? *
If not, enter date of bai'at
Health Conditions (if none, please write none) *
Services provided to the Jama'at in the past (provide details, if none please write none) *
Educational Qualification
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Do you have Travelers Insurance, if not please buy it ahead of time *
Please select which weeks you are avaliable for Colombia Waqf 'Ardhi *
By adding your name below, you agree with the conditions of Waqf ‘Arḍi listed above, and would like to apply for your Waqf ‘Arḍi and will submit a written report on the prescribed form to MKAC at the end of your Waqf ‘Arḍi.
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MKAC is collecting this for the purpose of tracking attendance confirmations. This data will not be used for any other purposes. Personally Identifiable data on this form will be retained only for one year and will not be shared internally or with any external organization. It will remain only with the local, regional or national Amila/executive body of MKAC. Data will be processed via third-party providers such as Google but will remain secure.
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