NAAIA DFW Scholarship Application 2025
Dear Scholarship Applicant,

The National African American Insurance Association – Dallas-Fort Worth Chapter is now accepting applications for our Annual Scholarship Program. Winners will  be announced by February 28, 2025 and formally recognized at our Scholarship Luncheon on March 27th, 2025. The attendance of winners will be required to receive funds. The selected scholarship recipient will be awarded $2,500. 

Completed applications are due February 15, 2025.

Applicants will be judged on the following:

1. GPA of 2.75 (on a scale of 4.0)
2. 500 Word Essay
3. 2 Letters of Recommendation
4. Community Involvement
5. Completed Application
6. Official Copy of Transcripts
7. Risk Management and Insurance, or related degree as outlined in this application
8. Applicant must be a permanent Texas resident. Applicant can attend a non-Texas college/university
9. Applicants must not have been a prior recipient more than twice

Please contact us at for any questions.

Please read all of the instructions listed below and forward your supplemental documents to .   


Shelia Terry
President, NAAIA DFW

LaSeante' Thurman
Vice President, NAAIA DFW

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Please note that funds are disbursed directly to the College/University prior to the start of the 2025 Fall Semester. Following your required attendance at our Scholarship Luncheon held on March 27th from 11a-1p CST, we will obtain awarded recipient's desired College/University information.

Eligible majors/minors applicable to all applicants:

Risk Management/Insurance, Business, Marketing, Communications, Math, Economics, Finance, Accounting, Engineering, Legal/Law, Healthcare**, IT/Data Science, Information Systems, Computer Science, Project Management

For minority HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR applicants:

1. Provide proof of enrollment to a 2 or 4 year university
2. Official copy of high school transcript (Minimum GPA 2.75)
3. 500 word essay: “Why am I a strong candidate for the NAAIA DFW Scholarship?”
4. Two letters of recommendation from a community leader, employer, or teacher

For minority COLLEGE STUDENT applicants:

1. Must be a student at a 2 or 4 year university
2. Official copy of college transcript (Minimum GPA 2.75)
3. 500 word essay: “Why am I a strong candidate for the NAAIA DFW Scholarship?”
4. Two letters of Recommendation from a community leader, employer, or professor



1. All essays must be in size 12 Font and Times New Roman text.
2. Essays must contain specific facts and reasonings which support your case.
3. All essays should have your application number in the top right header. Your application number will be              your birthday (i.e October 24th, 2006 has an application number of 102406).
4. Ensure grammar and spelling is accurate. Points will be deducted for incorrect grammar and spelling.

**Healthcare majors/minors are subject to additional review for consideration and eligibility.

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