2024 NACIC Vendor Form

Boozhoo (Greetings),

We appreciate your interest in the 55th Native American Critical Issues Conference hosted at the Mid Michigan College in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan on March 6-8, 2025. This year’s theme is: Fostering Intergenerational Leadership through Creative Expression.

Vendor application process:

  • Interested vendors must complete the following form.
  • After approval, complete the vendor fee.
  • As the conference approaches, vendors will be contacted with on-site details. 

Vendor fees:

Approved vendors are required to pay the $200 vendor fee either via Eventbrite (select Vendor Fee as your ticket; Eventbrite fees will accrue) or by check or money order made out to Michigan Indian Education Council to:

Michigan Indian Education Council
C/O Melinda Hernandez
101 Loree Dr.
East Lansing, MI 48823

The fee includes This includes 1 table and 2 chairs (additional tables and chairs may be available for an additional fee at check-in), one vendor space (approximately 10’ x 10’), conference registration for 1 person (includes conference sponsored meals for 1 person, additional conference registration is required for additional people).

Vendor agreements:

Please submit as early as possible. All application must be submitted by January 1, 2025. Late applications may be accepted on a case by case instance.

By submitting a vendor application, you are consenting to recording in the form of videos or photos to be shared on various print and digital platforms including the MIEC website. By submitting this application, you are agreeing to the above-listed details, fees, and agreements.

All submissions will be reviewed by MIEC. Final approvals will be made by the MIEC Board of Directors.

Contact MIEC President Eva Menefee (miecconference@gmail.comif you have any questions. 

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Company Name *
Contact Name (First Name Last Name) *
Email Address *
Contact Tribal Affiliation (if applicable)
Mailing Address (Street, City, State, ZIP) *
Telephone Number *

What will you be selling or distributing?


What website will conference attendees be directed to view your products/information (Facebook page, etc.)? Share the link(s).

I agree to the arrangements regarding my proposed vendor application at the Native American Critical Issues Conference. If my application is approved, I will promptly complete the payment of my vendor application fee through the Eventbrite System or by mailed check or money order. *
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