1) The 5 Big Ideas from this module are: 1. KNOW THE DIFFERENCE. 2. TIMING IS EVERYTHING! 3. KNOW WHAT COMES FIRST. 4. TAKE THE ACCUPLACER. 5. SUPPORT STUDENTS WHERE THEY ARE AT. What are your thoughts/ comments on these Big Ideas (i.e., How useful/ helpful were they? How well do they integrate into your current belief system? etc.)
Your answer
2) Which of the 4 Action Items did you do?
3) Thoughts/ Comments about the Action Items. Tell us about your implementation.
Your answer
4) Which of the 3 Slack Posts did you do?
5) Thoughts/ Comments about your Slack Posts
Your answer
6) List 2 Celebrations during this cycle (highlights, lessons learned from this module and your implementation).
Your answer
7) List 2 Challenges during this cycle (What didn’t work so well, what questions do you have, what do you still need information or support on).
Your answer
8) This module:
1- Not at all
3- Somewhat
5- Definitely YES
Taught me something I didn't know previously
Was engaging for our students
Was helpful for our students
Supported our students' college readiness
1- Not at all
3- Somewhat
5- Definitely YES
Taught me something I didn't know previously
Was engaging for our students
Was helpful for our students
Supported our students' college readiness
Clear selection
9) Questions/ comments about this module and your experience with it. If you did not like something, be specific as well as let us know some possible suggestions for solutions.
Your answer
10) What can your Site Coordinator do to support you further?
Your answer
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