Bela Knowledge Base Suggestion
Thanks for checking out the Bela Knowledge Base!

We want to provide exemplary support to Bela creators, so your feedback is very valuable. Please use the space below to suggest things that you'd like to see covered, or suggestions for making the KB better.

Thank you so much for your feedback. If you have longer questions or comments please email

- Your friends at Bela HQ
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Is there a topic you'd like to see covered in the Bela Knowledge Base that isn't there yet?
Any other feedback you'd like to provide?
If your suggestion is an edit for a specific page, please paste the URL here so we can fix it:
Sometimes we get suggestions that we'd like to act on, but not enough info is provided for us to take action. If you are open to us possibly dropping you an email about your suggestion so we can find out more, please leave your address here (it will not be added to any list, or used in any other way).
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