2024 LightWalker Coaching Registration Form
Congratulations on taking this step which will give you the tools to transform yourself, your teams and your clients' lives.
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Email *
Name *
Surname *
Name you'd like to be called *
Your phone number *
When is your birthday (if we've missed it, happy birthday!) *
I give permission to be added to the LightWalker Coaching WhatsApp Group *
What drew you to want to take the LightWalker Consulting coach training? *
What are some of your fears, uncertainties or doubts about this coach training. Another way of putting it is: what do you think you will need to confront in yourself? *
What else would you like Taryn to know before you embark on this project?
The programme is six 2-day sessions run on a Friday and Saturday. You need to be at all the sessions to gain accreditation. The sessions are live and interactive. They are not recorded. In addition to these, there will be  six 3-hour "triad" sessions, buddy coaching, one-on-one sessions and a group project that needs to be completed. By saying Yes, you acknowledge 1) You can attend all the sessions and 2) you've put them in your diary. 3) You will honour the additional time commitments. Launch: Afternoon of 16 March; 12-13, April, 17-18 May, 28-29 June, 2-3 August, 13-14 September, 1-2 November. If there is a clash with one or more of these dates, please let Taryn know immediately. *
Please type the name of the person responsible for the invoice (especially if your company is paying.) *
Please type the address and other details that need to be on the invoice, such as a cost-centre number or the line item that needs to appear on the invoice. (LightWalker Consulting is not a VAT vendor) *
What payment plan would you prefer. Taryn will confirm the discount you qualify for via email *
Please outline the payment agreement you have or wnat to make with Taryn (if applicable)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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