ATC Partner District Request 2023-24
Thank you for your interest in employing Arkansas Teacher Corps (ATC) Fellows for the 2023-24 school year.

Whether you are representing a current ATC partner district or looking to become one, please fill out the form below to inform us of your vacancies.  If you have additional vacancies after submitting this form, you may revisit this page and submit additional surveys.

Given the amount of interest in the program and the need across our state, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to fill all vacancies; however, this form is the first step in the process of having ATC Fellows placed in your district.

Please note, beginning in the 2020-21 school year, Arkansas Teacher Corps will require a yearly fee for all Fellows placed in your district. The annual cost for each recruited Fellow is $2,500 per year per Fellow. Details concerning this change are available upon request.

Partner school districts may also support an unlicensed teacher or community member toward standard teacher licensure as a Community-Sponsored Fellow for an annual cost of $5,000 per year. You may also use this form to nominate up to 5 potential Community-Sponsored Fellow and initiate an expedited application process for them to be considered.

Thanks again for your interest in partnering with the Arkansas Teacher Corps.

Brandon Lucius, Executive Director
John Hall, Director of Recruitment
Lizzy Hetherington, Director of Teacher Development

Phone: 479-575-6418
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