40 Days of Focus
Thank you for joining The Sweet Escape 40 Days of Focus!

We are kicking off anytime in January and running for six weeks of your choosing. You set the beginning and the end date. 

All participants will receive:
  • A Free Copy of the Sweet Escape Planner and Journal 
  • Weekly Check Ins about your progress
  • The first 10 participants will receive a ticket to the Galentine's Day Soiree on Thursday, February 13 from 5-8pm at Franklin on Penn.
Join me on this journey of personal growth and goal getting!

Fill out the form below and complete your payment on Venmo. 

Can't wait to see you there!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Full Name  *
Phone Number *
Facebook and Instagram Links (and any others you want to share) *
Mailing Address (to receive your journal) *
What is your communication preference for weekly check ins? *
Commitment: By completing this form, I am committing to fully participating in the 40 Days of Focus program to the best of my ability. I will complete questions in a timely manner, I will respond in the group as much as possible when prompted, and I will make time to journal everyday.  *
Liability Waiver:  By completing this form, I understand that I hereby assume any risk associated with activities within The Sweet Escape program and community. I agree to release, indemnify, defend, and forever discharge the releasee from all liability, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, and causes of action due to injury, loss, or damage.  *
To complete your registration, please send $40 via Venmo to Meagan. If you don't have Venmo, just text me and I can provide other options! *
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