Feedback Survey
Congratulations on your hard work this election season!

The GA Volunteer Hub (GVH) would like to gauge what worked best for our volunteers and what could be improved for future elections. This survey should take no more than 3 minutes.

For any questions, please contact us at
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First & Last name (optional)
Were you an in-state or out-of-state volunteer? *
How likely are you to recommend the GA Volunteer Hub to a friend or colleague? *
Not Likely
Very Likely
On a scale of 1-5, how helpful did you find the following? *
1 (Not Helpful)
4 (Very Helpful)
Trainings (GA Landscape / Local Orgs)
The Hub Chat (Whatsapp, Telegram)
Weekly Newsletters
Shared Event Calendar
Being Match with a local org
Grassroots Table
Were you matched with an organization via email? *
What was your preferred method of communication? If you have a recommendation, please type it in "other." *
How could we improve?
What would you like to see from GVH? *
If you have additional feedback or would like to join the team, please drop your email or phone number below.
Any other questions or comments?
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