NYU Contract Faculty Deserve Security!

Contract faculty do much of the work upon which NYU's reputation rides: in service, research, and especially teaching. But despite our contribution, the case of Clinical Professor of Chemistry Maitland Jones demonstrates that we have no enforceable due process rights before we are fired from our jobs. This fundamental lack of job security informs all aspects of our working lives. We are vulnerable to overwork, we have no meaningful say in our working conditions, and our salaries have not kept pace with the cost of living. This is why a majority of us have formed our union, Contract Faculty United - UAW. The skyrocketing day-to-day expenses in New York City and the recent termination without due process or notice of a long-time faculty member make more clear than ever why we need a stronger voice. 

In demanding collective bargaining, we join tens of thousands of people across the country, in higher education and elsewhere, who are organizing to secure the security, respect, and compensation they deserve. Nothing prevents NYU from committing to uphold our majority mandate. We call on President Hamilton and the NYU administration to recognize our democratic right to organize by agreeing to:

  • Publicly commit to respect our right to collective bargaining.
  • Ensure real due process for contract faculty at NYU, including a guaranteed right to grieve termination to a fair and impartial third party.
  • Establish meaningful annual raises that match or exceed the rate of inflation.

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