14 : 10 to 15 : 10 Presentations by companies (Japanese session)
1. (A Special Lecture) Challenging Introduction of State-of-the-Art
Multimedia AI Technology into Interdisciplinary Research Hokkaido University, Professor Takahiro Ogawa
2. (Presentation of a Medical AI Project) Development of an Automated Frailty Assessment Program for Elderly Patients with Heart Failure through Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration Hokkaido University, Associate Professor Toshiyuki
15:10 to 15:20 Intermission
15:20 to 16:15 Medical AI Research in Overseas Universities (English session)
1. (A Special Lecture) Insight
of AI applications in Korean Medical Fields: from Education to Startups
Seoul National University College of Medicine, Professor Seung Hong Choi
2. (Presentation of a Medica AI Research) AI-based Image Generation for PET: Appropriate
Applications and Limitations Yale School of Medicine, Dr. Takuya Toyonaga
16:15 to 16:20 Closing Remarks
Contact Information:
Department of Diagnostic Imaging,
Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine
N15, W7, Kita ward, Sapporo, Japan, 060-8638
The Secretariat of the Clinical AI Huma Resources Development Program of Hokkaido University School of Medicine (CLAP)
E-mail: med_ai@pop.med.hokudai.ac.jp
Phone: +81-11-706-5823