I2P 2024 Expedition Mojave - Application
Please fill out the impossible2Possible Youth Ambassador Application form below.  Should you have any issues feel free to contact us at inspire@impossible2Possible.com
Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
Birth Date *
Address *
Country of Residence *

Please tell us about yourself by providing a biographical sketch. This is your opportunity to allow the selection committee to get to know who you are, your passions, your hopes and dreams, what drives you, or any other personal experiences that have shaped who you are today.

impossible2Possible (i2P) is a non-profit with the goal of breaking the boundaries that bind modern education by merging education, inspiration, and empowerment with mind-blowing adventures and state-of-the-art communication technology. Our adventure based learning expeditions deliver the world to the classroom and the classroom to the world! Describe what this vision means to you, and how you'd represent it.

What do you hope to gain as an i2P Youth Ambassador?  How do you wish to impact your teammates and fellow students around the world?

i2P expeditions create situations that challenge the abilities of individuals and the team with varied levels of intensity.  These expeditions are metaphors for the problems and challenges of daily life. Throughout your journey, Youth Ambassadors will engage in dozens of group activities that foster individual and team skills such as cooperation, problem solving, and communication. Each activity has a "challenge" or performance objective, but the real goal is to complete the challenge using skills and techniques that bring the group together.  Please give an example of one significant experience where you utilized team dynamics in a conflict resolution setting or to obtain a positive outcome.

Without using the impossible2Possible mission statement, describe in your own words the purpose of i2P and what it means to you.  

It is a requirement that Youth Ambassadors communicate their experiences daily using the written word, engaging in live or pre-recorded Q & A’s via social media or on camera, through telephone conversations, or delivering presentations in a group setting.  Please indicate if you are comfortable with public communication and any experience you may have.

Impossible2Possible does not require immediate running endurance abilities. We do require an athletic background. The selection committee looks for the capacity to complete the 8-10 week i2P training program. Upon completion of the training program, youth ambassadors will attempt to cover varied distances and terrains while traveling cross country for consecutive days. Please describe your athletic history and current athletic endeavors.

Please provide the name, relationship, and contact information of three references. These references may be contacted at the discretion of i2P if you are being considered for selection.

Do you have any limiting physical or health disabilities or handicaps (temporary or permanent) that you or your doctor feel would limit your participation in as an i2P Youth Ambassador? If yes, please explain


Are you currently on any medications? If yes, please list the medication and what it is used for.


Because i2Ps expeditions are mentally and physically demanding, it is important we attempt appropriate preparation for unforeseen circumstances that may arise.  If you wish to share any health concerns and how you are affected by them, please do so below.  Examples include: Allergies, reactions to medications or any other medical/ mental health limitations or chronic illnesses. 


Have you had surgery for any condition which may limit your participation? If yes, please explain:


Have you ever been convicted of a crime? A crime is defined as an instance of negligence that is deemed injurious to the public welfare or morals or to the interests of the state and that is legally prohibited.  If yes, please provide an explanation and outcome.

If you have any additional questions or information you wish to share with the impossible2Possible selection committee concerning this application, please note them here
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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