2024 Memorial Day Flag Fundraiser 
This Memorial Day, The Founders Academy will be honoring our deceased military personnel who have died in the performance of their military duties while serving in the United States Armed Forces with a Flag Fundraiser.

With a donation of $20, we will place an American flag around our school tied with a yellow ribbon containing the name of your loved one. 50% of the proceeds from this fundraiser will go to the Yellow Ribbon Fund charity that helps returning American service men and women, injured during active service, who are recovering at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Bethesda Naval Hospital.

*Please note that you do not have to include the name of a loved one to participate. If the name of a loved one is not provided, we will choose the name of a service member buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

Flags will be displayed around the school May 20, 2024 - May 31, 2024. If you would like to purchase more than one flag, please fill out an additional form(s) for each flag you wish to purchase.

Founders Students! For each flag you buy or sell you'll receive one complimentary admission ticket for Chunky's Cinema!** (While supplies last. Purchase a flag today!)

For more information about the Yellow Ribbon Fund please visit: https://yellowribbonfund.org/

Thank you for your support of this fundraiser.
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Flag Purchaser First Name *
Flag Purchaser Last Name *
Flag Purchaser Email Address *
Name of deceased military personnel to be included on yellow ribbon *
Founders Academy Student Associated with this Purchase? 
*Please include student's first and last name.
How would you like to pay for this fundraiser? *
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