Registration to the workshop: Neural stem cells in brain development and disease
A one-day workshop organized by the Department of Biology and Biotechnologies Charles Darwin to promote the international cooperation between Sapienza University of Rome and Kumamoto/Kyushu Universities (Japan)supported by MAECI and sponsored by the Japanese Embassy in Italy

Date: september 13th, 2023, 13.45-18.15
Location: Aula Odeion,  Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità, Edificio CU003, Sapienza Università di Roma, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma
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Scientific program
Prof. Marco Oliverio, Head of Department
Department of Biology and Biotechnologies Charles Darwin, Sapienza University of Rome
Opening address
Contribution by MAECI, Ufficio IX – Cooperazione scientifica bilaterale (to be confirmed)
Dr. Marco Simeone
Cultural and Press Office,  Japanese Embassy in Italy
Study and work opportunities in Japan
Prof. Kunimasa Ohta
Department of Stem Cell Biology, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Role of the secreted proteoglycan Tsukushi in brain development
Prof. Kinichi Nakashima
Department of Stem Cell Biology and Medicine, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Artificial induction of neurogenesis through the regulation of epigenetics, stem cells, and cell fate reprogramming to restore the function of the central nervous system
Prof. Hirofumi Jono
Department of Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan
Novel insights into the development of glioma stem cells in glioblastoma: induction of stem-like properties in glioma cells by ribosomal proteins
Coffee break
Prof. Giuseppe Lupo
Department of Biology and Biotechnologies Charles Darwin, Sapienza University of Rome
The proteoglycan Tsukushi in neural stem cells and their progeny: an in vitro perspective
Prof. Emanuele Cacci
Department of Biology and Biotechnologies Charles Darwin, Sapienza University of Rome
Regulation of adult neurogenesis in a mouse model of autism
Prof. Maria Elena Miranda Banos
Department of Biology and Biotechnologies Charles Darwin, Sapienza University of Rome
A neural stem cell model to study mutant protein toxicity in neurological disease
Prof. Giuseppe Lupo and Prof. Kunimasa Ohta
Closing remarks
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