The Provincial Society: Stokes Bay Rally Vehicle Entry form
Welcome to the Vehicle Entry form for the Provincial Society's Stokes Bay rally, which will take place on Sunday 6th August. We are delighted that you are able to attend the rally and you can bring your vehicle to what should be a fantastic day at Stokes Bay. 

1) Entries received after 9th July 2023 are still very welcome, but your entry will not appear in the rally programme due to time required for printing.
2) Due to insurance and terms of booking the rally site, no sales are permitted from vehicles. 
3) The rally site speed limit is 5mph, which must be observed at all times while moving on the rally site. 

Advisory note for bus entrants willing to run in service:

The Provincial Society is adhering to the recommended guidelines published by the National Association of Road Transport Museums (NARTM) in regard to the status of vehicle(s) and driver(s). From 20 May 2018 all vehicles first registered more than 40 years ago and meeting the criteria for being a ‘Vehicle of Historic Interest’ (VHI) are exempt from MOT testing. DfT guidance on this can be found at: file/670431/vehicles-of-historical-interest-substantial-change-guidance.pdf. Consequently, we shall require documentary evidence of the roadworthiness of such vehicles.  This may be in the form of a valid voluntary MOT or a roadworthiness inspection record signed by a person competent to undertake such inspection. The inspection should be carried out in accordance with the relevant DVSA Inspection Manual (Class 5 or 6). Please supply copies of your insurance certificate, MOT certificate or roadworthiness inspection record and Category D drivers’ licences with your entry or at least two weeks prior to the event and bring originals for checking on the day of the event. All rear entrance vehicles used in service must carry a conductor.

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THE PROVINCIAL SOCIETY: Registered Charity No 1104834 
Name (and society/company, if relevant): *
Address: *
Post Code: *
Phone Number:  *
Email Address: *
Registration Number:  *
Year Built:
Chassis Make: *
Model: *
Body Make/Type: *
Capacity: *
Operator (or livery preserved in): *
Fleet Number (if relevant):
Brief History: (This information will be used to provide a programme entry, if submitted before 9th July). *
Are you willing to make your vehicle available for public rides? *
If you selected yes, please indicate the times that you would be willing to run your bus in service for public rides:
If you selected yes, would you be willing to collect passengers from the Gosport Ferry (bus station) en-route to the rally site? (This would be if you were arriving at the rally site between 0930 and 1030).
Clear selection
Do you intend to take part in the cavalcade (departure time: 1330)? *
If you selected yes to taking part in the cavalcade, do you know the route, and would you be willing to to lead a small group of 5 vehicles? 
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I confirm that I will place a suitable container under my vehicle if it drips oil, to avoid the Provincial Society having to pay a clean-up charge. *

Declaration for bus entrants willing to run in service:

I declare that my entry is taxed and is insured in accordance with the Road Traffic Act and includes Public Liability Cover (including rally / show use), with a limit of liability of not less than £500,000 for any one accident and, if proposed to be made available for use on public bus rides, that it is insured for such purpose.  I confirm that any driver of the vehicle entered by me holds a current licence of the appropriate class. I confirm that the vehicle will be presented in a roadworthy condition and documentary evidence of roadworthiness will be provided in accordance with the above requirements. I/we will comply with directions given on the day by the organisers.

I/We wish to remain on your mailing list for future Provincial Society events.
Signed: *
Date: *
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