BUILD PODER Workshop - Grant Development
The CSUN Research and Sponsored Programs office (RSP) manages all grants and contracted ("sponsored") programs for the University. Their pre-award liaisons assist investigators with identifying and interpreting funding opportunities, proposal development and submission, and award receipt. In this workshop, our Senior Director (Dr. Sheree Schrager) and Central Grants Officer (Laura Serrano) provide an overview of required forms and available templates as well as provide tips on how to present yourself and project to reviewers.

Workshop: NIH/NSF Grant Development, Forms, and Submission: How to Present Your Project and Write for Reviewers  
Facilitator: Dr. Sheree Schrager and Laura Serrano (RSP)
Date: Wednesday, November 18th
Time: 2:30PM – 4:00PM

A Zoom link will be provided as we approach the event date.
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I am confident in my ability to prepare a grant proposal.
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The following information will be provided to our presenters so that they can better personalize the presentation to meet our needs.
The aspects of grant writing that I find most challenging are:
Please specify the grant mechanism(s) you are interested in (e.g., SC1-3, NSF Career, R21, R03):
Thank you and look forward to seeing you there!
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