Mindfulness in the Classroom: Supporting Student Wellbeing
The Student Wellness Center (SWC) hopes you take advantage of the resources and support that are outlined below in a way that best meets your, and your students, needs.

Please complete this form to express your interest in receiving additional information and/or training on how to incorporate mindfulness practices within the classroom. 

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Mindfulness for the Classroom: Trainings and Workshops
(additional asynchronous and virtual resources at bottom of form)

for Faculty: Interweaving Mindfulness in to your Teaching
  1. It's all about the Pause - Learn two evidence-based, easy-to-learn, and quick ways (the STOP and SHIFT practice) to offer moments of mindful pausing to use before, during, or at the end of your classes. No prior mindfulness facilitation experience necessary.

    By bringing attention to a momentary pause we can help students interrupt their reactive minds and habitual patterns about how they move in the world. When done regularly, something as simple as a mindful pause can help create an environment that fosters greater resilience (by seeing that there are more possibilities than our typical knee-jerk reactions), deepens presence and focus, increases learning retention, and supports holistic wellbeing.

    Meditation scripts, recording of the STOP and SHIFT practice, and teaching guide will be provided.
  2. Becoming a Mindful Professor* - Support your own wellbeing while building your capacity to create a positive classroom environment by participating in a free, 4-week, evidence-based mindfulness course based off of the Koru Mindfulness model.

    The key in creating a more mindful classroom environment is developing your own personal mindfulness practice. Not only can this enhance and support your own wellbeing and capacity to be more fully present in the moment,
    but research has also shown that "presence-based faculty are consistently self-aware, manage emotions under pressure with poise and confidence, understand the people they teach, recognize their impact on others, as well as lead with empathy and compassion. Faculty with these characteristics are more fully present, engender trust, and can increase their positive impact, personal resiliency, reduce stress and anxiety, and support academic flourishing in those that they teach."

Workshops: "In class" Experiences for Students:

Invite an SWC guest lecturer to visit during regular class time or during an "X" hour.  Possible options of topics you can choose from include:
  1. Guided Meditation Session - Enhance community connection, focus and performance by starting, pausing, or ending your class with a brief guided mindfulness practice by a trained mindfulness teacher.  We will connect with you to get to know your class specific needs and interests so we can provide a practice that is right.

  2. Guided Relaxation with iRest Yoga Nidra - Reduce stress and anxiety with this unique experience that promotes deep rest and relaxation through a lying down, easy guided meditation. This is a practice anyone can do, regardless of age or ability. Nothing is needed except a quiet space for folks to lie or sit down comfortably and a mind that is ready to relax.

  3. Mindfulness 101 - In this session, we discuss the basics of developing a mindfulness practice while reviewing some of the latest research on why practicing mindfulness in higher education is becoming increasingly important. Includes brief meditations and interactive mindfulness exercises.

  4. Mindful Self-Compassion - We often find ourselves offering compassion and care for others when they are in distress, yet struggle to befriend and support ourselves when we need it most. In this workshop, students will learn what self-compassion is, the ways in which this evidence-based practice can improve their well-being and mental health, as well as how they can start incorporating it in their life right away. In addition, there will be time for reflection, connecting with others and a guided self-compassion meditation.

  5. 4-Week Koru Mindfulness Course* - a 4-week course that will teach the skills of mindfulness and meditation. Students will be introduced to the practice of mindfulness and learn several skills, including meditation, for managing stress and enriching their life. Best for using during "X" hours.

    *Because this is a more robust and time-intensive offering we are only able to provide this course at a limited capacity.  Please inquire for further details and availability. 

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Mindfulness for the Classroom: Resources
Asynchronous and Virtual Resources for Faculty
  1. Student Wellness Center Self-Paced Wellness “Challenges”- Have students participate in one of our multiday wellbeing challenges for extra credit.

  2. Guided Meditations from the Student Wellness Center- Not comfortable leading a mindful moment yourself? Hit the play button and let us do it for you instead!

  3. Free, Premium access to the Headspace app for mindfulness and meditation - tons of ideas and guided exercises you can use in or out of class. Encourage students to download the app.

  4. Plum Village Meditations - Directly from Plum Village, the largest international Engaged Mindfulness practice center in the Plum Village tradition, and the first monastic community founded by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in the west.

  5. Dartmouth Mindful Coloring Book - print out, grab some colored pencils, and give your class a creative outlet for a mindful break.

Thank You
A member of the SWC wellbeing team will be in touch with you soon to explore next steps.
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