Expression of Interest Form
Are you thinking about getting your pistol licence? Have you already done the hard yards and got your Cat H, and just want to be a part of Sydney's hottest new Pistol Club? You've come to the right place.

Fill out the form below and tell us about your passion for pistols, your burn for bullets, and your temper for targets. Whether you're a seasoned trigger or you've only seen them in the movies, we're excited to get you involved in the sport!

Hit send and your form will go straight to the Club Committee for review. Once we're ready to pull the trigger (pun very much intended!), we'll reach out and inform you of next steps.

Get excited! It's coming very soon...

SSAA Sydney Branch Pistol Club
Loud and Proud.
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Full Name
Enter your full legal name, as well as a preferred name if you desire. e.g: Robert "Bob" Smith
Date of Birth
Phone Number
SSAA Number
Enter your SSAA member number. Note that you must be a member of 01 SYDNEY Branch to join. Leave blank if you are not yet a member of SSAA.
Do you hold a current Firearms Licence?
What Pistol calibre types do you currently own?
Leave blank if you are unlicenced or do not own any Pistols.
What Pistol calibre types would you like to use or purchase after joining the Club?
You may answer even if you are currently unlicensed, or leave blank if you are unsure.
Survey: Which Pistol competitions would you like to participate in?
We are surveying interest in specific Pistol Competitions to gauge the most popular events. This will influence our decision on how many of each competition to run, and how often. Your response will influence the amount of events of each type we run. You are welcome to respond even if you are unlicenced! If you are unsure, leave blank.

Survey: Would you use a Digital ID on your smartphone over a physical ID?
Traditionally, Clubs only use physical ID Cards. We are surveying interest in a complimentary digital ID delivered via a free app on your smartphone, included with your membership alongside a physical ID Card. This question is optional but extremely helpful to us.
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This form was created inside of Sporting Shooters Association of Australia.

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