E. Lanier Finch Scholarship Application
The Georgia Association of Broadcasters (GAB) is now accepting applications for the E. Lanier Finch Scholarship! In order to be considered, the following requirements must be met:
  • The applicant must have at least a 3.0 GPA and must be classified as a full-time student. Applicants must be a Junior or Senior at a Georgia college or university, and a Georgia resident. 
  • Applicants also must submit a 500-word essay explaining your personal goals and interests, and why you are pursuing a career in broadcasting. 
  • All applicants must submit their resume and optional letters of recommendation. 
  • Deadline is Monday, November 18th 
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Email *
First and Last Name *
College or University *
Are you a full time student? *
Major *
Home Address *
Phone Number *
Expected Graduation Date *
Are you a Junior or a Senior? *
Advisor/Counselor's Name *
Advisor/Counselor Email *
List of Community Activities *
Please email a copy of your resume, headshot, and short biography to admin@gab.org. When complete, click "yes." *
Please email us your 500-word essay explaining why you deserve the scholarship to admin@gab.org. When complete, click "yes." *
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