NASA Data Collection
NASA is asking for members’ personal info so that we don’t have to use the employers’ information to contact you.
Having your personal email and phone number allows us to contact you in the event of a lockout, strike, or other disruption of the University's operations.
We are aware that many members use their ualberta email more, and so we haven't yet made the switch to using personal email addresses for the Buzz and other communications. This is a change that NASA will likely make after the implementation of our new database. In the meantime, if you would prefer to receive the Buzz to your personal email, please email, and we will make that change for you. 
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First Name *
Last Name *
PERSONAL email (non-ualberta) address
Home Address
PERSONAL (non-work) phone number
Work area (Building)
Peoplesoft ID *
NASA Membership Number:
If you do not know your NASA Membership Number, please visit, click on your CCID, and view profile. Alternatively, contact for assistance. If you are not a member, and would like to sign up for membership, please visit
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