Transportation in animals and plants
Test code 11.1 (By Girish Gautam)
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1.The muscular tube through which stored urine is passed out of the body is called *
1 point
2.The organ which controls the blood circulation in body is *
1 point
3.In plants, water is transported through *
1 point
4.Water absorption through roots can be increased by keeping the plants *
1 point
5.Haemoglobin is present in *
1 point
6.The lower chamber of heart is called *
1 point
7.The filtration of blood is done by *
1 point
8.Aquatic animals like fish excrete their waste in gaseous form as *
1 point
9.Which of the following component of blood is responsible for clotting of blood *
1 point
10.How many chambers are present in human heart? *
1 point
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