13th Annual Skyline Christmas Tree Pickup Fundraiser (January 2025)
"To Tree or Not To Tree"

If that is your question, Skyline Theatre and Band Boosters have the answer! In exchange for a donation to our programs, we are happy to pick up your undecorated tree and take it to be recycled. No messy needles in your car!  

Our two pickups this year will be on January 5th and January 12th (please sign up by 1/8/25).

Your tax deductible donation (suggested donation $20-$30) will help fund our band and theatre programs. There are 3 payment options:
1. Online through Paypal here: skylinetreepickup.weebly.com (Please note we get charged fees for this.)

2. Mail your check (payable to SFA) to 
Julie Dunmire, ATTN: Christmas Tree Pickup, 2650 White Oak Dr , Ann Arbor, MI 48103

3. Leave a donation by cash or check at the time of the tree pickup (there is space on the form below to specify where the students should look for it).

Checks should be made payable to "SFA" or "Skyline Friends of the Arts."

Thank you for your support!  If you have any questions, please email us at SkylineTreePickup@gmail.com.

(It is preferred that pickups be in the AAPS attendance areas. If your tree is outside of our pickup teams' routes, please email us.)
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Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
Phone Number *
Street Address *
City *
Zip code *
Method of Donation *
Checks should be made payable to SFA (Skyline Friends of the Arts). Visit SkylineTreePickup.weebly.com to donate online!
Number of Trees *
Please let us know how many trees you would like us to pick up.
Size of Tree(s) *
About how many feet tall is your largest tree? Please round up (like 9 instead of 8.5). Estimates are OK!
Preferred Pickup Date  *
Special Instructions
i.e. I'll leave a check under the mat;  Check will be taped to the door; I can't leave the tree at the curb, but it will be at the side of the house, etc.
Email Address (for reminder) *
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How long have you been participating?
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How did you hear about our Tree Pickup fundraiser
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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