Embracing Endings

Thank you for your interest in Embracing Endings. In this 6-week course for QTBIPOC, we support folks in facing and embracing endings. Each week we will take time to remember traditional, nature-based ways of relating to the end. Together, we will explore what it means to live, love, grieve, and let go. With the assistance of the ancestors, plants, ceremony, and each other, we will be in the practice of facing, feeling, and integrating the inevitable outcome of death. This class is for death workers, healers, grievers, and/or any QTBIPOC looking to make a relationship with death.

This fall we are offering two simultaneous cycles of this course, one online and one in person. Please see below for details & dates!

IN PERSON on Tuesdays @ 5:30-8:30pm PT - Oct 29, Nov 5, Nov 12, Nov 19, Nov 26 & Dec 3

ONLINE on Sundays @ 10:30am-1:30pm PT - Oct 27, Nov 3, Nov 10, Nov 17, Nov 24 & Dec 1

The in-person course will be on Huchiun Ohlone Land/Oakland, CA.  The exact location will be shared with confirmed participants. 

Access Info: Masks will be required & we will have an air filter running. The meeting room is ADA accessible although the bathroom cannot fit a wheelchair (a screen can be provided for privacy if needed). This is not a fragrance free space. We do smudge people before entering and will have natural plant medicine burning during class. We do not use synthetic chemicals and try to keep the smoke to a minimum. Location has ample parking & a close bus line. 

The online course will be offered via zoom. Log in details to be shared upon final registration. Because this is a ceremonial space, we will not be recording our sessions. 

Please Note: QTBIPOC is an acronym for 'Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous, People of Color'. QTBIPOC means that someone identifies as Queer or Trans AND as a Black, Indigenous Person of Color. Though we use this acronym throughout our work, we recognize its limitations. We also use the collective term 'People of the Global Majority' (PGM). PGM reminds us that Black, Indigenous, and People of Color represent over 80% of this world’s living population. Additionally, we recognize that there is a wide range of identities and vocabulary that people use to describe their sexualities and genders. We honor people who identify as LQBTQIA2S+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and/or gender expansive, queer and/or questioning, intersex, asexual, two-spirit, and more).

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Bare Bones
Which cycle of this course are you applying for?
What name would you like us to use for you in this course?
For payment tracking purposes, we also need the name that will appear on your paypal or square payment. What is your legal and/or full name?
Gender Pronouns

What city & state do you currently live in?

Date of Birth
Phone Number
Have you ever taken a class with Batul and/or Melissa? If so, what class and when?
We understand that life happens and pending illness or an emergency, we strongly encourage folks to attend these classes weekly. Your attendance will allow you to get the most out of the content, experience the process of building this sacred container, and be least disruptive to the community. Are you able to commit to attending all 6 days? *
The Soil 

Tell us about yourself. What are some aspects of your identity that feel important for you? (race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexuality, class, religious identity or upbringing, immigration status, and/or education, etc.) 


Do you have any accessibility or medical needs that would be helpful for us to know about in preparation for this course?


What is your background (if any) in holistic medicine, herbalism, curanderismo, and/or ancestral medicine?

Six Feet Under

Though grief is welcome in this course, it is not a grief support group or therapy. Because of the nature of the content of this program, we encourage everyone to be self-reflective about whether this is the time and space for them to do this work. 

What do you hope to get out of this course?
Tell us about your personal relationship with death and dying.

Have you personally experienced and/or witnessed a death in the last six months? If yes, please explain.


Anything else you would like us to know about you?

Living in a Material World

The contribution for this course is $450. If you are accepted, please indicate how you would like to move forward (your selection will not impact our application decisions). There is a payment plan available and two full scholarships for Palestinian and Black folks.

We will occasionally take photos for our own documentation and to support promotion of our courses. Do you feel comfortable being photographed?
We will be sending out weekly emails with invitations for heartwork and occasional notes about preparation for the following class. Do you feel comfortable with us sharing your email with the rest of the cohort? *
Do you have any questions for us?
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