Candidate to AMEA youth committee
According to AMEA 2019-2021 Strategy and action plans/

Key focus 3: Encourage youth participation in marine education/
Strategy3-1: Conduct AMEA youth conference
Action3.1.1 Conduct AMEA Youth Conference during AMEA Annual conference
Action3.1.2 Create a process and mechanism to ensure ongoing student meetings in future annual workshops/
Evaluation At least 20 student representatives from the 2021AMEA workshop

Strategy3-2: Handling the Asian Marine Education Study Camp
Action3.2: Planning for the AMEA International Marine Education Study camp
Evaluation: At least two countries in 2020, 2021 at least three countries.

We need young educators to join AMEA team. Welcome to recommend the talents to join AMEA youth committee.

AMEA secretary office 2022.5.4
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