Hamstring Strains: Prevention, Management and Treatment presentation evaluation
Please submit feedback regarding the presentation you watched. After watching the video, completing the quiz and submitting the evaluation you will be issued a certificate of completion. All certificates will be issued after the conclusion of the annual meeting.
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Date of Completion *
Name (As you want written on your certificate of completion) *
What did you think about the presentation? *
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Not applicable
The presentation content was practically useful, comprehensive, appropriate, and adequately in-depth.
The teaching and learning methods were effective.
Educational materials and resources provided were useful.
Subject matter was based on the best available evidence and was accurate and current.
The learning environment was adequate for me to achieve the stated learning objectives.
The educational level of this presentation was appropriate for the target audience.
The presenter effectively used the time allotted for this presentation.
The speaker presented the material in an understandable manner.
Speaker personal experience and observation were the primary source of information for this course.
This program met my professional/educational needs.
All relevant commercial support was disclosed.
Presence/absence of conflicts of interest and relevant financial relationships were disclosed.
Course content was organized and well planned
Please rate quality and effectiveness of the speaker *
I have completed all the following items to obtain my certificate of completion *
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