SAFETY GUIDELINES for the Science Classroom 2019/20 (Mrs. Kamin)
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You can best learn science by “doing” science.  This means doing laboratory
experiments, activities, fieldwork, and other tasks that involve moving around the classroom and
using materials other than pencils and paper.  Use of some of these materials involves a degree of
risk.  Your safety and that of the others working around you depend on your behavior.  Read these
rules and follow them at all times.  Our goal is to have a safe, accident-free classroom.

General Working Guidelines
1. Clothing to be worn to laboratory classes includes closed-toe shoes that cover the whole foot, shirts that cover the shoulders, back, and stomach. Clothing and accessories are not to be so loose that it can hang or drag over the laboratory work surfaces or otherwise come in contact with components of the experiment.
2. Do NOT run, push or hit anyone, or engage in any form of horseplay.
3. Do NOT bring food, gum, or drinks into the laboratory.
4. When you enter the classroom, do NOT touch any materials that are set up until you have been told to do so by your teacher.
5. Keep aisles, table tops, and work areas clean and clear. Put away books, papers, notebooks, backpacks, and other items that are not needed for the activity.
6. Unplug electrical equipment by pulling the plug, NOT the cord.
7. If you don’t understand the directions or aren’t sure how to use a piece of equipment, ask your teacher for help.
8. Report unsafe conditions, including broken, missing, or damaged equipment, to the teacher.
9. Do NOT taste, touch, or smell substances unless asked to do so by your teacher.
10. Be careful when carrying pointed objects, chemicals, glassware, or other objects that could be dangerous. Follow the instructions on how to perform these tasks as directed by your teacher.
11. Only do an experiment if it has been approved by your teacher.
12. Do NOT go into the storeroom.
13. Wear the prescribed personal protective equipment for the experiment.

Chemicals, Heat, and Glassware
1.   When working with flames or chemicals:
•   Remove or tie back dangling objects (such as jewelry, long sleeves, or loose clothing) that could catch on things.
•   Tie back long hair.
2.   Wear safety goggles when there is a risk of eye injury (such as when working with acids or bases, heating chemicals, or when a gas is produced, or energy of any sort has the potential to be released).
3. Use flames only when instructed to do so.
•   Light the burner carefully and do not leave it unattended.
•   Keep combustible materials away from the flame (fabric, hair, papers, etc).
•   Do not heat any item other than those vessels or utensils as described in the experiment or otherwise instructed by the teacher.
4.   When heating chemicals do NOT look into the test tube or open end of the glassware, and make sure that the open end is not pointed at another person.
5.   Do NOT touch a piece of glass unless you are sure it is cool.  Hot glass looks the same as cool glass.
6.   Do NOT insert glass tubing or thermometers into rubber stoppers.
7.   Inspect glassware for cracks, chips, or other breaks.  If you see any damage, set the glassware aside and tell your teacher.

Accidents and Safety Equipment
1.   Know the location and use of safety equipment (eyewash, safety shower, fire blanket, first aid kit, and telephone).
2.   Know emergency procedures and who to contact (key personnel) in the event of different types of emergencies (ie. Medical, fire, large chemical spill/clean-up)
3.   Clean up minor spills immediately and notify the teacher that a spill occurred.
4.   If a chemical gets on your hands, wash them thoroughly and notify your teacher.
5.   Tell the teacher about any accident that happens during science class, even if no one is hurt.  This includes glass breakage, injuries, fire, spills, etc.
6.   If there is blood, vomit, or other body fluids present in the area, stay away from it and contact the teacher to address the matter.

Clean Up
1.   Dispose of chemicals, used personal protective equipment, and other waste materials as directed by your teacher. Do not pour chemicals down the drain or dispose of materials in the trash.
2.   Wash your hands thoroughly after handling chemicals, living organisms, or preserved specimens and properly disposing of gloves.
3.   Clean your work area and return materials.
4.   When you leave, do NOT take equipment or chemicals from the classroom or laboratory.
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The instructor has gone over the two pages of Safety Guidelines with me and I have had a chance to ask questions about anything that was unclear. *
I know the location of the eyewash, shower, fire blanket, fire extinguisher, and first-aid kit. *
I understand the guidelines and agree to follow them. I also agree to follow any other rules the teacher gives that will keep the classroom a safe place to work and study. *
I understand that I will have to pay for any damage resulting from my own carelessness. *
I understand that the dress code for laboratories is for my protection, and I need to be dressed as indicated in the guidelines for laboratory classes. *
I realize that if I do not follow the guidelines, my laboratory privileges will be revoked and I will be given alternative written assignments. *
I do or do not wear contact lenses. *
What, if any, allergies or other health problems does the student have that might affect his or her ability to participate in science activities? (This information will be kept confidential.)
Last Name *
First Name *
Date:  MM/DD/YYYY *
By entering date, this STUDENT acknowledges reading and understanding and accepting all these guidelines.
Parent or Guardian's Last Name *
Parent or Guardian's First Name *
Today's Date: MM/DD/YYYY *
By entering date, as PARENT OR GUARDIAN, I have read the safety guidelines and contract, and I give permission for the above-signed student to participate in science activities.
Science Block *
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